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Whole House Generator for Hurricane Season

Whole House Generator for Hurricane Season

Even when hurricane season is winding down, people need to stay vigilant, because it is common for storms to hit in the later parts of hurricane season. One thing that people can do, is install a whole house generator in case power is lost. Any...

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Why it’s Important to Have a Generator

Why it’s Important to Have a Generator

Since there are more and more storms hitting the US each year, more and more people are dealing with power outages. When this happens, a portable generator is a good solution. And it can be done with a reasonable cost. On important piece of having...

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Benefits of a Backup Generator

Benefits of a Backup Generator

Did you know that investing in a backup generator could actually reduce your home insurance premiums? Since insurance companies know that having electricity at all times can minimize theft rates, many of policy holders with backup generators find...

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Outdated Wiring Systems We Recommend Changing

Outdated Wiring Systems We Recommend Changing

A lot of homes in western New York have outdated wiring. This is a problem because not only can they not handle modern electrical loads, they also represent a fire hazard. It is recommended that if a home was built prior to 1980, it should be...

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