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How Long Will My Home’s Electrical Wiring Last?

How Long Will My Home’s Electrical Wiring Last?

Home wiring can last a long time, more than 50 years in many cases, but sometimes less than this. Copper wiring can last 100 years, while aluminum wiring might last 80 years. However, the protective coating around the wire needs to be considered as well. In...
5 Benefits of Installing a Home Automation System

5 Benefits of Installing a Home Automation System

Home automation is now in many homes by way of “smart” systems. These systems are complex and should be installed by skilled electricians. Automation systems are convenient, handling many basic chores. They can improve efficiency of heating and cooling...
My Light Bulbs Keep Burning Out—What’s Wrong?

My Light Bulbs Keep Burning Out—What’s Wrong?

Incandescent bulbs may need replacement after a year, while LED bulbs should last much longer. If your bulbs are burning out more quickly, it may be a sign of electrical system troubles. One cause of bulb burnout is using bulbs of the wrong wattage. Another is loose...
How Long Will My Home’s Electrical Wiring Last?

Outdated Wiring Systems We Recommend Changing

If your home was built before 1980, you could be exposed to electrical wiring risks. Two older types of home wiring should now be considered outdated. Aluminum wiring was popular in the 1960s thanks to its affordability. However, this wiring is susceptible to...