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Customers Should Have Access to Energy Data

Customers Should Have Access to Energy Data

At this point, customers do not have enough information on the energy that they are using. Not only is there not enough information for the customers, but the pricing plans are very complex and can be very hard to understand. If you get more information about the...
Winter Prep Tips to Ensure Proper Generator Operation

Winter Prep Tips to Ensure Proper Generator Operation

Having a generator for the winter time is extremely smart because you have the piece of mind to make sure that you will still have power if something goes wrong. Having a generator isn’t just having it and waiting until the day it needs to be used. You need to...
14 Steps You Should Take to Prepare for a Winter Storm

14 Steps You Should Take to Prepare for a Winter Storm

When you are preparing for a winter storm, there are many things you can do, but there are a few things that are very important. Make sure that your food pantry is stocked with the right types of food. By bottled water, or have some set out and ready. Make sure that...