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6 Ways to Tell You Need a New Generator

6 Ways to Tell You Need a New Generator

There are many different ways that you can tell that you need a new generator. One of the ways that you can figure this out is to check your electric bill and if your electrical demands are too high since you got your current generator, you need a new one. You also...
Five Common Traits of Great Electricians

Five Common Traits of Great Electricians

There are five traits that most great electricians will all share. A great electrician will be very knowledgeable when it comes to all different types of jobs in the industry. They also will have great communication skills and can explain to the common person what...
Can I Install My Own Electrical Panel?

Can I Install My Own Electrical Panel?

Installing an electrical panel can be a tricky process, and there are a lot of factors to consider before you think of doing it yourself. First of all, in some states you’re not legally allowed to change an electrical panel unless you are a certified...
8 Questions to Ask an Electrician

8 Questions to Ask an Electrician

There are a lot of questions that electricians are asked time and again. One common issue is household lights flickering during a storm. An electrician can tell you it’s typically normal, but may also be the result of faulty power lines. Another problem is plugs...
Why Do the Circuit Breakers Keep Tripping?

Why Do the Circuit Breakers Keep Tripping?

If you are constantly having power issues causing your breaker to be tripping, there are some things that you can check yourself before you have to call a professional. The most common issue is that you have too many things plugged into one circuit causing it to...