by Sally | Aug 30, 2022 | Features
Incandescent bulbs may need replacement after a year, while LED bulbs should last much longer. If your bulbs are burning out more quickly, it may be a sign of electrical system troubles. One cause of bulb burnout is using bulbs of the wrong wattage. Another is loose...
by Sally | Aug 25, 2022 | Features
There are needs for generators and the different types of generators. Each one has pros and cons of each type of generator. Portable generators are good but do have some issues with them compared to bigger whole home generators, those are good but then you need to...
by Sally | Aug 18, 2022 | Features
If your home was built before 1980, you could be exposed to electrical wiring risks. Two older types of home wiring should now be considered outdated. Aluminum wiring was popular in the 1960s thanks to its affordability. However, this wiring is susceptible to...
by Sally | Aug 16, 2022 | Features
When electricians get calls from people about buzzing in their walls, most likely, the problem is electrical. When you hear buzzing in the walls, it’s important to pinpoint the exact location of the noise. If the sound stems from an outlet or wall switch, a...
by Sally | Aug 11, 2022 | Features
Fuse boxes and two-pronged outlets are signs of outdated electrical systems. But even if you already have a breaker panel and grounded outlets, you should upgrade with GFCI outlets. Used in commercial buildings, GFCI outlets have small rectangular buttons labeled...
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