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It really depends on which type of house that you have, on which heating system that you choose. If you have a ducted house, that is in a cold climate, then a conventional gas furnace would likely be your best bet. On the other hand, if you have a larger budget, and no duct work, then a high efficiency boiler would be your best option. If you have electric heating, this can be expensive. A heat pump is recommended for these people.

Key Takeaways:

  • Heating systems are renowned for their useful properties in the home. The AFUE will assess whether fuel is being used efficiently too.
  • A system needs an AFUE of 90% or higher as rated. That will bring people up to speed about certain projects in the future.
  • Heating is a valuable aspect of maintaining the home over time. People want to see the heating system work at peak efficiency when possible.

“You should also look for a system with an AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency) of 90 or higher.”

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