When it comes to purchasing LED lights and fixtures, there are many common problems that you should avoid. For example, you can run into trouble if you buy fixtures that are too old, or fixtures with unknown specifications or confusing warranty agreements.
Key Takeaways:
- There are many problems that you should avoid when buying LED fixtures.
- Common problems include buying old products, buying products without knowing all the specifications, and more.
- Think of the LED industry like the computer industry. Would you want to buy a new laptop only to discover that you bought a 3 year old design with a slow processor, limited memory and a slow hard drive?
“But how can we help you fix your lighting problems? We can help you purchase the proper driver to replace your failed fixtures drivers, or can offer a solution of a new LED replacement.”
Read more: https://www.myledlightingguide.com/the-5-pitfalls-of-buying-led-and-fixing-bad-led-purchases
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