Offices usually consume lots of energy, but there are ways to save energy and maintain optimal efficiency. Lights should only be turned on when absolutely necessary, and less efficient incandescent lightbulbs should be replaced with fluorescent lights and LEDs that are more efficient. Laptops should be considered since they consume less energy than desktops, computer screensavers should be disabled, power-saver modes should be used, and computers should be completely shut down when not in use. A copy room containing enough equipment for the office is more energy-efficient than a larger number of printing equipment being spread out across an office. Lastly, appliances in the break room should be kept small in size and set to turn off and on via timers.
Key Takeaways:
- To save energy, lights should be on only when necessary, and less efficient incandescent bulbs should be replaced with more efficient alternatives.
- A unified copy room containing the right amount of printing equipment is more energy efficient than having a greater number of printers spread out within an office.
- Appliances in break rooms should be smaller in size, more energy efficient, and switched on and off by timers.
“Ask employees to completely power down their work stations at the end of the day. To make this easy, provide each employee with a power strip to plug their computers, speakers, desk lamps, paper shredders and other electronics into. Then powering down is as simple as flipping the switch on the power strip.”
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