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When the power goes out, the sudden darkness can be alarming, inconvenient, or even dangerous. Backup generators are a simple way to ensure you keep the lights on even during a widespread blackout. You might even find that a backup generator could reduce your monthly outgoings. Let’s take a look at these benefits of a backup generator.

Reduce Your Home Insurance Rates
Because homes that stay lit when everything else is dark are less likely to be targeted by criminals, insurers recognize that backup generators reduce risk. Tell your home insurance carrier once you’ve installed a backup generator, and you could see your monthly or annual premiums drop.

Protect Your Home from Power Surges
When the power suddenly comes back on after a blackout, it can cause a power surge throughout your home. This can damage appliances such as your television or AC units, potentially costing homeowners thousands of dollars. A backup generator ensures that your home stays powered, so there’s no sudden surge and your expensive appliances stay safe.

Stay Safe and Healthy During Power Outages
Of course, your top safety priority during a blackout is your family. Keeping the lights on prevents slips and falls, and helps household members get to items they need, such as medication. Similarly, if you have medical devices like an oxygen machine, these won’t lose power if you invest in a backup generator. Even keeping the refrigerator and freezer going is a boost for your family’s health, as there’s no risk of spoiled food. Plus, you don’t have the added expense of replacing your entire family’s groceries.

Between reduced insurance premiums and protecting your household goods from damage, a backup generator could pay for itself very quickly. And, it’s the ideal way to keep your family safe during electrical outages.

Key Takeaways:

  • Losing electricity can be a nuisance at best and can even be a life-threatening problem.
  • Consider having a backup generator if you’re prone to losing power or have devices that you need to keep going.
  • Learn more about the kinds of backup generators and how they can help you.

“If you need electricity to power medical equipment or work primarily from home you would have to scramble to find an alternate power source.”

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