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When Should I Replace My Whole-House Generator?

When Should I Replace My Whole-House Generator?

A whole-house generator, or standby generator, is connected to your house and is designed to be a source of electricity during power outages. A high-quality generator can last up to 3,000 hours (125 days) of consecutive use, depending on how well it’s maintained. This...
Outdated Wiring Systems We Recommend Changing

Outdated Wiring Systems We Recommend Changing

Having an outdated wiring system in your home spells nothing but trouble. These systems can’t handle modern electrical loads, represent a dangerous fire hazard, often cause short circuits, consume more energy, and the list can go on and on. Though there are several...
Benefits of a Backup Generator

Benefits of a Backup Generator

Let’s face it – few modern homes can function without electricity. The HVAC system, electronic devices, and the appliances are just some of the indispensable elements that rely on its constant flow. Hence, it goes without saying that a power outage is far more than a...
Get the Most Use from Ceiling Fans in the Heat

Get the Most Use from Ceiling Fans in the Heat

Let’s be frank – a ceiling fan isn’t as nearly as effective as an air conditioning system. But that doesn’t mean it’s entirely useless. In fact, this handy device can do wonders for separate rooms, consuming less energy and taking up virtually no space in the process....