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5 Safety Tips to Stay Safe During the Storm

5 Safety Tips to Stay Safe During the Storm

Being prepared for a hurricane can mean the difference between life and death. It's recommended to evacuate if such an order has been given. However, if you stay at home, remain inside and away from windows and doors. In addition, stay tuned to...

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Save Your Business Money: Three Ways We Help

Save Your Business Money: Three Ways We Help

There are many ways to save money for your business, but there are a few that will prevent unscheduled maintenance and closure. Getting a generator will keep the power going if the power goes out and their are emergency services working to fix the...

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Residential Vs. Commercial Electricians

Residential Vs. Commercial Electricians

There might not seem like very many difference between the two, but there are some major ones to look out for. When you are working as a commercial electricians there are many more rules and regulations that you have to follow due to OSHA and other...

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